Shape offers a range of cross sector services in the areas of...

  • Executive Coaching – One on one support for senior managers to strengthen their Leadership Capability and optimise their performance.

  • Career Support – Dialogue for those considering or going through career changes

  • Facilitation – working with teams to help with their Vision and Values and develop positive cultures

  • Business Skills Training – Broad range of skills training to support key business processes


What's the Difference?

A passion for achieving through competent and committed people with a belief that they are the only route to substantial business results. This means you get...

  • Pragmatic Approach - Commercial experience in Sales and Marketing applied to HR, Leadership and Management issues.

  • Translation – The demystifying of Leadership Theory in to practical daily behaviours reducing the risk of failure and speeding up performance

  • Empathy in spades – broad experience of applied senior leadership helps others share the load.

  • Results Orientation - Key focus on deliverables ensuring critical Return on Investment and contribution to changing the culture within organisations.

Recent assignments

  • Career Management coaching for senior HR executive using activities to support decision making and guiding through to successful new position

  • Coaching support for international HRD during challenging transition achieving enhanced reputation and improved delivery.

  • Integration support for new senior executive speeding adjustment to a different culture.

  • Support of major brand project facilitating workshops and team coaching on Values and internal culture.

  • Facilitation of team workshop on critical path for merger in the financial services sector delivering one team, solving real business transition issues and delivering positive working environment

  • Bespoke training for front line manager s on influencing and persuading strengthening Leadership Capability